Posts from id_lijoy

LINIA Cosmetic Surgery
January 16, 2015 Face Treatments Blogs

A great in-BREAST-ment! Glamour model mum earns £70k after 32FF boob job!

Read the original article from Daily Star by clicking here: stunning young mum raked in £70k from glamour shoots after she boosted her B-cups to FFs.While most people think that asking for a pay rise or looking for a new job is the way to up their earnings, Emma Bradley decided to invest in implants to help get her more work as a model.The 27-year-old gave up partying for seven months to pay for her plastic surgery.
November 7, 2014 Body Treatments Blogs

What Are Cohesive Gel Implants?

Cohesive gel implants have become all the rage for plastic surgeons and their patients alike. These revolutionary breast implants have changed the face of breast surgery, by offering a more natural look and feel to the breast augmentation process. If you are considering breast augmentation, check out this information on the latest trend in breast implants to find out if the cohesive gel implant is the right choice for you.
September 24, 2013 Body Treatments Blogs

Breast Enlargement Under Local Anaesthetic – Everything You Need to Know (Plus a Patient Testimonial)

Are you happy with your overall body shape? Have your breasts reduced in mass and shape due to recent weight loss? You’ve probably considered breast augmentation but wondered whether you could have it done awake.
September 2, 2013 Body Treatments Blogs

Is Breast Augmentation Whilst Awake Possible? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

The Mail on Sunday Review supplement recently featured an article about a woman who underwent breast augmentation surgery with breast implants whilst awake.It was a fascinating and interesting article which highlighted the many benefits of choosing local anaesthesia.The patient was awake and comfortably sedated the whole way through her breast implants procedure and spoke very positively about her experience.Surprisingly, the surgeon performing the procedure in the article described this as a ‘new technique’ but as many of our patients know, at Linia we have been offering local anaesthesia for many of our procedures – with or without sedation for the last 8 years.
September 2, 2013 General Blogs

Why Can’t Sick Women Have Great Boobs?- Love It! feature with Linia patient Lula

Lula’s living with a death sentence- so why was she worrying about her breasts rather than the risk of dying? All around me, on one of the hottest days of the year, women were wearing low-cut tops and strappy summer dresses. Yet here I was, sweltering in a black, baggy jumper to cover up my tiny, flat-chested frame. At the age of 22, I had the body of a pre-pubescent girl and I hated it.
August 29, 2013 Body Treatments Blogs

Double Bubble Boobs – What is it? How & Why This Deformity Occurs & How it Can Be Fixed

Although it can be a life-changing and successful procedure, as breast augmentation is a highly invasive form of cosmetic surgery, it is not without risks. One of those risks of breast augmentation procedure is double bubble boobs.While the term may sound a little comical, it is a serious complication. We discuss this deformity which can occur from badly installed breast implants that you should be aware of. What it is, why it happens and how it can be fixed, as well as our patient’s story and experience.
June 12, 2013 Press

I had a Boob Job in my lunch hour

An increasing number of women are opting for ‘lunchtime lifts’ – surgery that can be done under local anaesthetic in just half an hour. The procedures are available include breast augmentations, liposuction, facelifts and nose jobs. Claire Harrison, a family liaison officer who lives in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire with her partner Tony and her 4 children, was one of the first women in the UK to have a lunchtime breast augmentation. FEMAIL asked her to keep a diary. Sophie Tweedale reported.
May 15, 2013 Body Treatments Blogs

How to Decide Which Size Breast Implants to Get

Breast implant selection is not straightforward, particularly when patients have misconceptions about the size of their breasts. Our head surgeon, Dr Azhar Aslam identifies critical variables and gives guidance for patients and surgeons on working together for the best result. This article was original published by myself in BODY LANGUAGE, the journal of cosmetic surgery and rewritten for our clinic. By Mr Azhar Aslam, FRCS(G), FACS FEACS, Consultant Plastic Surgeon

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