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If you are preparing for rhinoplasty, you may have questions about how to prepare for the procedure, so you are in the best shape before, during and after nose surgery.
While your surgeon and doctor should provide you with most of the information you need – like we do to all of our patients here at Linia Cosmetic Surgery – to give you an idea of what’s involved, in this post we are going to discuss what you need to do before surgery and afterwards.
While our surgeons will do their part of the preparation so they can easier predict the outcome of your rhinoplasty, there are things you can do too.
Though the work is done on your nose, you will find the rest of your body may also be affected and you will be better off prepared for this in the lead up to your surgery by making some of the changes we advise below:
First, have you asked yourself “Should I have a nose job?” – make sure it is absolutely what you want before reading our tips below.
It is essential to keep yourself in good health and wellness, which will help ensure the recovery process is smooth and does not last any longer than it needs to.
While there is a lot you can do, we want to focus for a moment on all the things that patients should avoid doing.
Even if your nerves are a bit frayed because of your upcoming plastic surgery, you should still abstain from drinking alcohol.
Not only will it dehydrate you, but it will also decrease your immune system’s strength and impair your recovery in general. Look for alternative forms of relaxation for the days leading up to your surgery.
We’re not going to pass judgment on your habits out with rhinoplasty.
Still, if you intend on having plastic surgery completed, you should avoid smoking cigarettes at least one week before and for the duration of your recovery period.
This is relatively self-explanatory – Aspirin and medication like coumadin have blood-thinning properties that are best avoided before and after surgery.
It may increase the amount of time you have to spend recovering.
At least four days before you are due to go under the knife, it is recommended that you avoid using any topical creams on your face.
Avoid anything that includes Salicylic Acid and other BHAs, along with AHAs and Retin-A, Obagi, and Benzoyl Peroxide. Stick to simple moisturisers and cleansers.
This rule applies both before and after rhinoplasty, as UV light can damage your skin and cause healing problems.
Another self-explanatory rule – but bears repeating nonetheless, that you should make sure you do not eat or drink anything at least 8 hours before surgery or after midnight the night before your rhinoplasty.
In addition to Aspirin and Coumadin, there are several other medications you need to avoid unless the specialist tells you differently, including:
Some OTC supplements can cause reactions to the anaesthetic and can affect your bleeding. Avoid the likes of fish oil, Ginseng, Ginkgo, Ginger, Garlic, And St. John’s Wort.
Although you need to avoid eating food after midnight the night before your nose surgery, that doesn’t mean you should fast in the run-up to the procedure.
For instance, it’s a good idea to increase the amount of protein you eat.
That means including protein-rich foods like
Not just the day before but for around three weeks before you have your rhinoplasty surgery.
Protein is crucial and may help quicken the healing and recovery period to help you overcome any trauma you experienced during the process.
The healthier the diet you have before your surgery, the better.
The best rhinoplasty preparation involves more than just readying yourself for the time up until and including the day of surgery.
You need to prepare for rhinoplasty recovery sufficiently.
After the surgery, you may not feel like doing very much for some time, at least two weeks or even just the first few days.
That’s why how quick and effective the healing process is when you are at home after surgery will have a lot to do with the preparations you make before surgery.
Following your surgery, you will not be allowed to drive home by yourself.
About two weeks before your procedure, you should make sure your partner/spouse, a relative or close friend will be able to give you a lift to and from the clinic where you are having your surgery performed.
You also need to make sure you will have someone who can stay overnight with you for at least 24 hours following your rhinoplasty to help take care of you.
While you recover for the first few weeks you may have trouble with preparing meals, so before you have rhinoplasty, you may want to batch cook and freeze food in advance.
That way you can just defrost or stick it in the microwave and don’t have to fuss too much.
As you will find it painful to open and close your mouth wide, it’s best to stick with nutritional and soft dishes and don’t require much biting and chewing.
It may also be a good idea to invest in the following additional supplies:
In addition to the batch cooked meals, you should also invest in the following food:
Be careful to make sure the food is low in sodium and salt, to prevent increased swelling and fluid retention.
There are many things a patient can do prior to surgery in order to prepare for their nose job.
If you have any concerns or specific conditions you want to discuss, this question should be addressed by your plastic surgeons.
The list above provides tips on preparation but you should always let your surgeons’ or surgery centre guide you and follow their instructions. People are all different and this article can’t take into account every type of patient.
Posted In: Face Treatments Blogs
Written By: Dr Khalid Irshad
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