Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynaecomastia is a condition that affects males resulting in enlargement of glandular and fatty breast tissue.

LINIA Cosmetic Surgery

Our Quick Guide

  • Procedure Time : 1 hours
  • Time Off Work : 1 Weeks
  • Age Restriction : 18+
  • Recovery : 4-6 weeks

Procedure Overview

Linia understands the appearance of ‘man boobs’ can really cause embarrassment and affect your confidence. We offer gynecomastia surgery for male breast reduction which could help to give you a flatter, firmer and more masculine chest. Male chest reduction is becoming a popular procedure.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynaecomastia is a common condition in men and relates to large or over-sized breasts. Male breast surgery can remove excess breast tissue, fat and sagging skin from the chest to give a smoother, more masculine appearance.

Our surgeon will make a small incision at the edge of the areola. Excess skin and fat will be excised; in some cases liposuction is used. In either case scarring is minimal and barely noticeable. Results create a smoother masculine appearance to the chest.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Will The Gynaecomastia Procedure Involve?

    The type of anaesthesia will depend on your preferences and your surgical needs. We usually perform this surgery as a day case procedure under general anaesthesia. However, we are also able to perform Gynaecomastia surgery under local anaesthesia for less extensive cases.

    The surgeon makes a small incision around the areola to extract the excess glandular and fatty tissue surgically. In some cases, we can use a liposuction technique to minimise scarring. A small metal tube (cannula) sucks out the fatty tissue and glandular tissue. For more excessive tissue growth, we will combine the results. The surgeon will then close the incision with dissolvable sutures.

    Who Is The Gynaecomastia Procedure Suitable For?

    The procedure is suitable for men who have gynaecomastia, otherwise known as ‘moobs’, or men who wish to eliminate excess fat on the chest. They may be suffering physically, socially and emotionally from this condition.

    When Can Results of Gynaecomastia Be Seen?

    Most patients will recover within 1-2 weeks after the surgery. You may wish to take a couple of days off work and can resume exercise from between 1-2 weeks post-op.

    How Long Is Recovery of Gynaecomastia?

    Most patients will recover within 1-2 weeks after the surgery. You may wish to take a couple of days off work and can resume exercise from between 1-2 weeks post-op.

    How Long Does The Gynaecomastia Procedure Take?

    The operation will approximately take from thirty minutes to one and a half hours, depending on the surgery requirements.

    What Are The Risks of Gynaecomastia?
    • Hypertrophic scarring
    • Contour irregularities
    • Asymmetry
    Is The Gynaecomastia Procedure Right For You?

    Gynaecomastia is usually a result of hormone sensitivity and changes. It can happen in varying degrees, from enlargement in fat and tissue above the nipple to an overall increase in breast size. In more severe cases, the male chest can start to resemble female breasts.

    If the condition is affecting you emotionally or socially, you may wish to consider surgery.

    Surgery may be necessary when you have a build-up of both glandular breast tissue and fatty tissue. If you have an accumulation of excess fat on the chest due to weight gain, you may not require surgery. You could be a suitable candidate for non-surgical options such as Liposonix, Accent or Aqualyx.

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